How to play the game ? This game is best viewed in 'FullScreen' mode. To begin with, drag your mouse pointer within the applet/game area and click once, within the applet/game area. (Note that most Java-enabled browsers require that the cursor is located within the current applet area for the keyboard input to be directed to the applet. Some may even insist on an initial mouse click!) Then press the 'Spacebar' on your keyboard to start the game. Thereafter, the 'Spacebar' will be used for Shooting/Firing. Use the 'Arrow Keys' on your keyboard to navigate the Battle-Ship (alternatively, you may even use the keys : 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L' to navigate). Shoot at everything that moves and some of the things that don't. You'll soon learn which objects can be blown up and which ones just absorb the blasts. Avoid flying into anything that looks bulky and sticks out of the ground. As you progress, the score will be displayed in the 'Score' display. After the game is over, the 'High Score List' will be displayed -- you can either opt to enter your name (to keep track of your scores - if there are 2 or more players playing the game, in turns) OR you can opt Not to enter your name (in which case, just press the 'Enter' key on your keyboard, without entering your name). To start a new game, repeat the above mentioned procedure again!
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Ajay Atodaria's HomePage (1998-2003).